Contact us


Dr Victoria Bates

Victoria is Associate Professor in Modern Medical History at the University of Bristol. She specialises in the social history of medicine and has published widely in the interdisciplinary medical humanities.


Nicole Andrieu

Nicole is the first point of contact for our project. Nicole has experience working on different type of projects for the university, from co-productive research to pump-prime funding grants. Her background is in economics, and before joining the university she worked in various industries including aviation, gas and oil, and education publishing.


Dr Rebecka Fleetwood-Smith

Rebecka's background is in fashion textile design and psychology. She recently completed her PhD conducting research into the significance of clothing and textiles to people with dementia, using sensory and creative research methods. She is interested in the role of the arts, design and creativity in a person's health and wellbeing. Becka has her own creative blog at